Quiet Spaces

Interior design is much more than just beautiful rooms. The spaces need to support how people live in them, too. One thing that’s important to me when I work on a project is to always give my clients’ a “quiet space.” Those are places where they can rest, reflect, read, or just recharge their batteries.

Beth Lindsey Interior Design

Beth Lindsey Interior Design

That can be in a room that’s set aside specifically for getting away from it all, like a library or sitting room. Or it can be a corner of a room with just the perfect seat and light.

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Beth Lindsey Interior Design

While the space may be large or small, the key ingredients are always the same. There must be a comfortable chair or chaise, a side table for a drink or book, at least one pillow and perhaps a throw, and the right light.

Beth Lindsey Interior Design

Beth Lindsey Interior Design

What’s the right light for a quiet space? That depends entirely on the client. They might want this space to be a place to relax with a view and natural light. If they like to read, they’ll want a more direct light beside the chair. Or they might want task lighting for knitting or needlework.

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Beth Lindsey Interior Design

And I always leave my client with a gorgeous vase of flowers in their special space, to welcome them and give them a bit of lovely color.

Beth Lindsey Interior Design

Beth Lindsey Interior Design

What would you want in your own quiet space? Let me know in the comments below!

